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Pharmaceutical Development & Manufacturing Trends

29 November, 2021 | ChargePoint Technology

Ben Wylie, our Senior Product Manager, spoke to Contract Pharma about the principal pharmaceutical development and manufacturing trends within the industry and specifically how contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) can keep pace with these trends. As a consequence of the race to develop effective vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, many pharmaceutical companies chose to seek assistance in the form of CDMOs to help bring their vaccines to market quicker and this trend is still ongoing. In response, CDMOs must adapt to keep up with the surge in demand for their vaccine development and manufacturing services. Within this article, Ben discusses the production equipment that can be used by CDMOs to both enhance productivity as well as maximise flexibility in order to have the capacity to accommodate various production requirements. Namely, the main two techniques discussed are single-use technology utilisation and “smart” factory technology.


Read the full article here:

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